Quality Control Assurance Process

Quality Control / Assurance Process

Quality Control / Assurance Process

Quality Control / Assurance process at Power Cement starts from the review of customer needs / orders and the first step involves the Raw Materials and Fuel Quality check.

Power Cement has its Own Quarry for Lime Stone and Shale which is well suited for the production of premium quality cement and clinker. Drill holes samples are collected from Quarry. After thorough chemical and physical analysis at state of the art laboratories clearance for excavation / blasting process is given.

Laterite, Gypsum and Coal are out sourced materials and Quality of material is checked by having sample from each dump truck. After the material is conforming to the specs, these materials are transported to Crusher for size reduction.

Crushing , Stacking and Reclaiming of Raw Materials:

Quality parameters of these crushed materials are checked through Online Analyzer –Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analyzer (PGNAA) manufactured by RTI Australia, which gives the material chemical composition at each minute interval. These crushed materials are stacked in form of Stack Pile of 30,000—35,000 Tons. The crushed material is than reclaimed with the help of Bridge Type Reclaimer, which helps to maintain the consistency and homogenization targets.

Raw Meal Preparation:

Raw Materials (Lime Stone and Clay –Raw Mix Pile, Laterite and shale) are ground in predefined ratio to have Raw Meal in ATOX Raw Mill having capacity of 600 TPH. A sample of Raw Meal is collected through Auto Samplers and these samples are transported to Laboratory though pneumatic conveying by sending stations for Quality Checking on regular hourly basis. Quality of Raw Meal is checked through PANalytical’s dedicated XRF for Cement industry and corrective steps are taken automatically using QCX Software –FLSmidth Denmark. Particles size of this Raw Meal is analyzed through Alpine Air Jet Machine for ensuring good burning in kiln. Raw meal is stored in CF Silo having capacity of 25,000 Tons.

CF Silo homogenizes the Raw Meal and reduces the standard deviation of Raw Meal from 06:1. Homogenized Raw Meal is fed to Kiln and before feeding to Kiln again Quality of Meal is checked on alternate hour’s basis on different state of the art instruments for ensuring quality conformance.

Coal Meal Preparation:

Coal is finely ground in Coal Mill having capacity of 50 TPH , and proximate analysis of finely ground coal is done with of help of Bomb Calorimeter, Ovens , Moisture Analyzer and Furnaces whereas Sulphur analysis is done on XRF / Chemical analysis.

Pyro processing (Clinkerization)

In Kiln which is referred as the Heart of Cement Manufacturing, Kiln feed is burnt to produce Clinker (7,700 TPD) at 1450 —-1500 degree Celcius. The temperature of this Clinker is cooled down by state of the art Cross Bar Cooler. From Cooler exit, Clinker sample is collected to check its chemical composition and phase distribution like Tri Calcium Silicate, Di Calcium Silicate, Tri Calcium Aluminate and tetra Calcium Alumino ferrite. Free Lime of Clinker is being checked by Cubix3 XRD.

Clinker is Stored is Clinker Silo while Off Spec Clinker is stored in Off Spec Silo where it is than mixed in controlled ratios to ensure the quality conformance of cement produced.

Clinker Sales / Dispatch:

Clinker is Semi Finished Product and also sold in market nationally and internationally. Before selling, Chemical Composition and PSD of Clinker are analyzed to ensure the Quality parameters. Because of stringent quality control and assurance measures, Power Clinker is the customer’s first choice as indicated by the repeat orders from the global customers. Power Cement has state of the art automatic containers loading system for clinker containers as well as Manual clinker loading system .

Finish (Cement) Grinding

Raw Materials (Lime Stone and Clay –Raw Mix Pile, Laterite and shale) are ground in predefined ratio to have Raw Meal in ATOX Raw Mill having capacity of 600 TPH. A sample of Raw Meal is collected through Auto Samplers and these samples are transported to Laboratory though pneumatic conveying by sending stations for Quality Checking on regular hourly basis. Quality of Raw Meal is checked through PANalytical’s dedicated XRF for Cement industry and corrective steps are taken automatically using QCX Software –FLSmidth Denmark. Particles size of this Raw Meal is analyzed through Alpine Air Jet Machine for ensuring good burning in kiln. Raw meal is stored in CF Silo having capacity of 25,000 Tons.

CF Silo homogenizes the Raw Meal and reduces the standard deviation of Raw Meal from 06:1. Homogenized Raw Meal is fed to Kiln and before feeding to Kiln again Quality of Meal is checked on alternate hour’s basis on different state of the art instruments for ensuring quality conformance.

Cement Packing and Dispatch:

This stored cement is packed at Packing Plant which is equipped with Automatic Packers , Bulk Loading System and Jumbo Bag Loading system . Quality assurance certificate is released along with Cement being packed as per customer’s needs.

Quality Control / Assurance and Management Systems Implementation:

Thousands of different quality control and assurance tests are performed to ensure the quality of each bag of cement and the clinker produced.

 Cement / Clinker Manufacturing is carried out at state of the art Plant having latest European technology along with strict and rigorous implementation of Quality Management Systems ISO 9001, Environmental Management Systems ISO 14001 , Energy Management Systems ISO 50001 and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems ISO 45001 .